Fluorite’s Protective Energy for the Body and Space
Fluorite absorbs and nullifies negative energy inside the body and in the space around you, making it one of the best stones to have if you are looking to create a protective space that is strong and stable. And when you are stable both physically and mentally, it allows you to focus on what you need to do with your life, your work, or any other projects you have in mind. Fluorite also helps with organizing thoughts and emotions that are too intense to deal with initially.
The Metaphysical Aspects of Fluorite and What It Can Do for You

Fluorite can do quite a number of great things for us, and it’s not that it has magical properties or anything like that. It just so happens that the energetic quality of fluorite makes it an optimal tool for self-growth and development. When it comes right down to it, that’s the bedrock of metaphysics: the bridge between self and knowledge of the Universe. And the energetic quality of fluorite is just super conducive to making that leap.
Fluorite’s Mental Clarity and Focus for Capricorn
Fluorite is one of the best crystals to use to obtain clarity and focus on a mental level, which is perfect for this sign. It makes sense that this crystal would be great for our lovely Capricorn because they are affiliated with hard work, professionalism, and an attention-to-detail mentality that is practically flawless. When using Fluorite, it is as if this sign has a never-ending well of discipline to draw from when they are working on whatever venture might be currently at hand. And while Fluorite’s properties might help one work in the traditional sense, meaning it could help an individual be more productive and organized, it can also help Capricorns open up to the idea of working smarter, not harder.
Fluorite’s Enhancing Influence on Pisces’ Intuition and Emotions
Fluorite improves mental clarity for all signs of the zodiac, but it does something special for the already intuitive and “psychic” Pisces. It’s a wonderful mineral for holding and enhancing the energy of any declaration of intent in a magical working, and because of its effect on concentration, we could see it as a tool for making a potent spell even more powerful. Fluorite helps Pisces understand their emotions by sending them to the heart center for analysis. After a Fluorite session, one should be able to communicate their emotional state to another easier.
The Fluorite Chakra: Third Eye and Heart
The fluorite chakra is the third eye chakra. It is balanced and stimulated by fluorite. Fluorite also balances the chakra associated with the heart—Green Fluorite has special resonance with this chakra because of its color.
The Element of Air and Fluorite
The element of air is linked to fluorite.
Meditating with Fluorite

For Meditating With Fluorite: If you wish to meditate with Fluorite: Close your eyes and hold a piece of Fluorite in your hands. Take a few deep, slow breaths as you give your full attention to the crystal in your possession. Speak your desired manifestation out loud to the universe three times. Then, declare the following affirmation nine times, either out loud or in your head: “My wish comes true.”
Wearing Fluorite for Mental Clarity and Focus
Don a Fluorite bracelet or pendant if you seek assistance in zeroing in on the tasks at hand and reviewing information with a level head. It is said to supercharge not only your concentration and mental clarity but also your mystical connection to the higher dimensions while you are in a meditative state.
Using Fluorite for Lightwork and Sun Energy
In your dwelling, place the fluorite specimen so that the sun will hit it daily—this is how to make the most of your lightwork. When the sun is at its brightest in the sky, fluorite will catch that rays and magnify—much like what you could do with a crystal sphere but without the worry that your window glass will catch fire.
The Geology of Fluorite
Fluorite geology. In its purest form, fluorite is colorless and clear, but we commonly see it in violet, green, and yellow shades. The mineral can be found in a number of different formations and is even more impressive when seen in its common form of an octahedron or a cube. Fluorite is also known for its luminescence when seen under a UV light. Due to its close association with certain types of ores and because of its own occurrence in pegmatite cavities, fluorite is often used as an indicator mineral in prospecting.
The Formation and History of Fluorite

Fluorite deposits began forming millions of years ago during the Jurassic Period. At that time, water superheated by geothermal energy rose from deep within the Earth’s crust. This water was rich in fluorine and other minerals, and it forced its way upward through openings and cracks in the limestone that had been laid down earlier in the Mississippian Period. As this superheated mineral-laden water moved through the limestone and then mixed with it, the temperatures and conditions became just right for the fluorine and calcium to weave together in a series of chemical reactions that formed vast amounts of crystalline fluorite along the edges and walls of the many faults that had broken through the earlier-formed rock.
How to Cleanse and Care for Your Fluorite
Fluorite should never be cleaned or placed in water and, more to the point, salt water. We also don’t recommend using salt to clean your piece either as it could chip and erode your fluorite piece over time. A good way to clean fluorite is to use your preferred method of smoke cleansing.