Tanzanite: A Stone of Compassion and Emotional Healing
Tanzanite is a stone of compassion. It creates a union between the heart and the mind, between knowing and understanding. More work is being done to show that tanzanite is able to assist humans in bridging the apparent chasm they so often dig between the two sides of their nature. As not only but increasingly understood in the Eastern world since the time of Buddha, bridging that chasm is the way to enlightenment. It is the way to a more centered, calm, patient, and kind existence. Which is why, when I think of tanzanite, I think of compassion.
Tanzanite: Enhancing Self-Expression and Inner Wisdom

Tanzanite can help support the truest form of self-expression that we can achieve. This is the stone of compassion, and it does such a beautiful job of communicating the quiet confidence that leads to being able to express with accuracy not only what we want to say but also what we want to be. Tanzanite is a rare and gorgeous stone, both in terms of its appearance and its healing powers. It can help connect us with our inner wisdom, that always available and mostly ignored well that we can dip into to find the answers we need. Tanzanite helps us communicate not only with others but also with ourselves, and honestly, it’s such a lovely feeling when we can do both.
The Calming Energy of Tanzanite and its Connection to the Throat Chakra
The energy of this stone is calming, and that is probably due to how it connects with the throat chakra. The throat chakra, as you know, is all about communication—clear, authentic, and compassionate communication with yourself and with others. Tanzania not only helps you communicate with the world around you and the world beyond you—this stone takes you to another level in understanding your communication skills. Not only are you a powerful communicator when using Tanzania, but in using this stone, you are also understanding the depths of your throat chakra and why it is so important. And once we understand the means of expressing ourselves, we can also understand the ways in which we can express our compassion.
Tanzanite: A Powerful Stone for Geminis and Libras
This striking blue-violet stone is ideal for stimulating the throat chakra, which is about the energy of communication. Tanzanite helps Geminis to speak their truth, in all its raucous, cantankerous glory, if they choose. (Note that some claim Tanzanite to be a grounding stone.) Libras are masters of communication and intuition. They’re always looking for ways to bring balance to their lives, and harmony to the world! (And I can say, having lived with a Libra for 16 years now, that they do a lot of good in this world, in going about things compassionately.) Tanzanite is said to align well with the qualities of a Libra. It helps amplify their natural intuition and improves their already top-notch communication skills—though, I must say, being secretive is also said to be a Libra trait, so maybe I ought to stop here!
Tanzanite and its Support for Sagittarius’ Communication and Intuition

It persuades Libras to open up and express their sentiments with assurance. They create a feeling of emotional stability. It can also help keep Libras grounded in tough situations. Shiny blue tanzanite aligns with the adventurous and compassionate nature of Sagittarius. It helps them to communicate their thoughts and feelings freely. This sign also values freedom and independence—certainly traits that tanzanite can enhance in the daily life of a Sagittarian. Intuition and communication are skills synonymous with all Sagittarians. They could certainly benefit from the enhanced psychic powers and heightened intuition that tanzanite is known to promote.
Tanzanite’s Spiritual and Healing Properties
It promotes the Throat, assisting you in expressing your sentiments with precision and grace. Tanzanite accompanies the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, guiding one to view even the murkiest matters of the heart with wisdom. This unique crystal is allied to the element of Air and the forces manifesting words, catalyzing understanding and the moves toward appearance that one’s thoughts were always meant to take. This blue-violet “chameleon” crystal, known for its virtuosic shifts between states and moods, is best known among spiritual seekers for its intuitiveness and ease of communication. Whether you are conversing with your innermost self or with others, tanzanite is your go-to vis-a-vis for freestyling your way to kith-and-kino intimacy or “family” closeness.
Using Tanzanite for Meditation and Spiritual Expansion
Tanzanite can help you in your spiritual endeavors when you use it during meditation. It can strengthen your connection with higher dimensions, bestow upon you divine and profound understandings, and give you the sensation of being not just enlightened but expanded in your consciousness. To harness the stone’s power for your meditation: Grasp the crystal in your fingers and close your eyes. Work on not just feeling the stone but also feeling the connection between you and the stone. Visualize a bright blue-violet light coming from the Tanzanite. As you breathe, let the light be not just seen but felt in every part of your body—all the way down to the toes and up every hair on the top of your head. And feel it in your spirit.
Wearing Tanzanite to Boost Communication and Integrity
Donning a Tanzanite pendant around the throat could empower a person to speak their truth, to act with integrity in even the most challenging situations. Tanzanite can help with all types of communication, whether you need to communicate with the public or just with those around you. And sometimes it’s not what you say but how you say it that makes all the difference. You could also wear a pair of Tanzanite earrings for a boost in communication. Earring are a great way to get as close as possible to the crown and third eye chakras, so is a headband or, for men, a flat cap worn just above the ears.
How to Wear Tanzanite for Optimal Energetic Protection
It’s best to wear Tanzanite on the left hand, as this is the receiving side of the body. This will help you create an energetic shield around your body that will guard against negative energies and help you achieve a nice energetic balance and harmony. Remember to keep a small tumbled piece with you when not wearing the stone, as this will also help keep the stone’s powerful energy around you. A small, raw piece of Tanzanite kept in the pocket, purse, or car will help you do just that. More than that, though, wearing and keeping Tanzanite nearby can assist you in navigating through difficult emotions and maintain a sense of peace with yourself.
Using Tanzanite to Create a Positive and Harmonious Environment

Creating a home or office environment free of negative energy takes work, but using Tanzanite crystals grants you powerful assistance. Placing these stones around your space can help form a protective energy barrier, resulting in a safe, well-balanced, and energetically harmonious place to live or work. With their high vibrational energies, Tanzanite crystals serve quite well as facilitators of positive energy in an environment. And if you happen to be an artist or have a creative profession, placing Tanzanite crystals around can help your brilliance shine ever so much more brightly.
How to Cleanse Your Tanzanite Crystal
Make sure to cleanse your Tanzanite crystal. This crystal is relatively hard, so it can be cleansed in water. But you have other options, too, if you want to try something different and maybe a little more interesting. Smoke cleansing can be done with either incense or herbs. You can also place the crystal in the soil of a plant or give it a sound bath. And don’t forget about the cleansing power of the full moon—this crystal is definitely bright enough to withstand its rays. Tanzanite, in general, is a pretty low-maintenance stone and can be treated like an amethyst when it comes to cleansing.
Tanzanite: A Rare Gemstone with Unique Origins
Tanzanite’s distinctive color and dazzling beauty make it a worthy competitor to such classic gemstones as sapphires and amethysts. Yet, in many ways, it should be considered an accident of geology, a fluke of nature. Most gem-quality tanzanite comes from just one place: a small part of the Merelani Hills in northeastern Tanzania. There, the shifting of the Earth and intense heat over hundreds of millions of years produced a few thin seams of the stone. The unusual combination of elements that went into the making of tanzanite not only makes it a rarity in the world of gemstones but also raises a question: Why are there no imitations?
The Fascinating Origin of Tanzanite
Erosion from the deposition of materials and a continental uplift brought tanzanite to the surface of the Earth. Discovered in 1967 by a member of the Maasai tribe, the mineral has an interesting origin story. It is said that a fire in the recently deceased rock layer beneath Mount Kilimanjaro burned away the vegetation and heated the Zoisite beneath the surface, causing the mineral to crystallize into the stunning blue that we associate with tanzanite today.
Heat Treatment and the True Nature of Tanzanite’s Color
While the color of Tanzanite clearly distinguishes it from other gemstones, few people realize that most Tanzanite, when taken out of the ground, is not the blue or violet hue with which we’re familiar. The vast majority of Tanzanite in the marketplace has been subjected to heat treatment—a process not unlike what happens when we roast a coffee bean. Heat-treated Tanzanite looks much like the natural stone, and those familiar with the blue hue of the stone are unlikely to guess that the color was achieved with a little help from modern science.
Tanzanite’s Pleochroism: A Unique and Stunning Feature
Pleochroism makes tanzanite one of the most beautiful gemstones. The hue of tanzanite can change from deep blue to violet to a color very close to burgundy, depending on the angle of observation. This stunning color change alone would make tanzanite a coveted gem. However, we must also consider its rarity. Experts say that tanzanite is 1,000 times rarer than diamonds. When we put the two of them together—color and rarity—we can see why tanzanite is such a prized member of the lapidary world.
The Hardness and Durability of Tanzanite
On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the tanzanite is rated a 6 to 7, making it a relatively hard stone. However, it is valued not for hardness but for its beauty and brilliant hues. Most tanzanite is used in jewelry and is therefore subjected to the usual range of destructive exposures that any ornamental stone might encounter. While tanzanite’s beauty makes it well-suited for jewelry, its relative rarity combined with a vulnerability to a number of familiar destructive agents quite firmly places it in the class of “precious.”
The Labor-Intensive Process of Mining Tanzanite
One of the rarest gemstones, Tanzanite, gets its singular effect from its unique geological source. Miners begin their work underground, digging shafts or tunnels. The work is done by hand and with only minimal tools, yet the miners must still take great care to avoid setting off a potentially deadly cave-in. Purportedly, some tunnels or shafts go down thousands of feet and can be reached only by a wooden ladder. Once Tanzanite is out of the ground, it must be polished before achieving its final form, a task that itself requires a considerable amount of skill and labor. Although the skill and effort that go into mining and preparing Tanzanite for market may not be widely known, the rarity of the gemstone itself—some experts say it’s 1,000 times rarer than diamond—guarantees that it commands a high price once it is sold.