What is Unakite?
Unakite is an exceptionally potent stone for many kinds of healing. It allows us to see and deal with any negative emotions we might be hanging onto, and helps us to process them so that we can go on living our lives. Unakite is really helpful in nurturing relationships of all kinds, and it is particularly supportive of self-love. It is good for nurturing any relationship, and helps with the kind of emotional communication that gets us over the hump and back onto the same side with our loved ones. Unakite is good for getting over bad habits, and helps you to release any and all kinds of negative thoughts.
Unakite’s Metaphysical Aspect & Benefits
Unakite is a stone of the transformation, specifically of the transformation of negative thoughts, emotions, or behaviors into the positive realm of self-love and self-worth. When we are holding onto negativity, be it conscious or otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for us to achieve the true balance and grounding that we need to live in the present moment and to appreciate the life that we have. Unakite helps with all of this and is also a wonderful aid for visualizing and bringing to life your deepest desires and intentions. The result is that Unakite is a stone for clear thinking, which goes nicely with its association with the sign of Scorpio.
Unakite Chakra and Elemental Connection
Unakite is primarily a heart healer. It aids in the release of emotions that are stuck in the heart, allowing for slow but sure cleansing of the heart of all kinds of seemingly impossible energies and negative emotions. The pink and green coloring of unakite is especially helpful for healing emotions held in the heart and balancing the Heart Chakra.
Being an Earth Element stone, unakite helps to ground and balance your energy, allowing you to stay in the present moment.
The Heart-Mind Connection in Unakite Meditation
Meditating with unakite can be a potent practice for probing the heart-mind connection. A stone literally formed of two minerals (epidote and orthoclase), unakite might prompt one to think of it as symbolizing two halves that together make a greater whole. This exceptional quality that unakite possesses might well be the reason why it has long been considered a powerful stone for revealing how our emotions (the heart) influence our thoughts, decisions, and actions (the mind). On top of that, unakite is known as an excellent grounding stone, helping one stay present when doing any work that has the potential to turn one’s consciousness upside down, such as any kind of “revolutionary” spiritual practices, which might be what yoga was considered when it first arrived in America.
Unakite Jewelry: Serenity, Love, and Emotional Maturity
The act of wearing Unakite jewelry can convey a traditional or contemporary sense of serenity, love, and emotional maturity. Unakite, which is composed largely of pink feldspar, has a strong association with human emotions. It is a thoroughly harmonic stone that sews together the mind, body, and spirit apart from any negative or chaotic energies that may have attached themselves to you. Unakite has a calming and steadying visual presence. So, whether you’re wearing it on your hand as part of a lovely bracelet or are otherwise draping it on the human form, it tends to exude calm and collectiveness. And it does so visually without even trying. If the bracelet is somehow part of an operational way of speaking, however, about its nearly ineffable calm presence, that’s exactly the sort of thing Unakite is good for.
Using Unakite in Your Home for Abundance and Positivity
At your house, or at the very least in your living quarters, you should have a piece of unakite. Put it next to you on your computer. Put it in your wallet. Basically, let this rock be around you as much as possible, because its most basic and fundamental energy is conducive to the abundance mindset. Unakite nudges your mind in the direction of positive abundancin’ thoughts. And it helps keep you mindfully focused on whatever you want to manifest during the time that you want to focus on manifesting it.
How to Cleanse and Purify Unakite
Unakite is a crystal that can be purified with water. The Mohs hardness scale tells us that it is safe to use water because unakite rates between a 6 and a 7. Cleansing your unakite under running water is a good way to purify it. But you could also use smoke, my preferred method of purification, or any number of other methods to cleanse crystals that are safe to use with unakite.
The Geological Origins of Unakite
Unakite is a coarse-grained granite, an igneous rock that undergoes metamorphism to reveal (often pink) orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and clear quartz. Unakite is an altered granite formed under specific hydrothermal conditions. During its alteration, the orthoclase in the granite is partially replaced by green epidote, while the quartz remains relatively unchanged. We find unakite today in deformed rock near convergent plate boundaries—places where Earth’s tectonic plates push against one another. By traversing a path that takes you up through the weathered surface and into the underlying rock, you can witness the history of unakite, from its birth as a granite deep inside the Earth to its present-day existence as an almost-exposed metamorphic rock.
Where to Find Unakite: Global and Local Sources
Unakite is typically extracted from secondary deposits, and the majority of what is currently available commercially consists of small stones and pebbles collected along the shores of Lake Superior. Although Unakite is found in some deposits along the river valleys, the most notable source for massive amounts of this rock is in mountain regions. In the United States, the states of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia, as well as areas along the shores of Lake Superior, are known for producing significant quantities of Unakite. Other notable deposits have been found in Brazil, China, Sierra Leone, and South Africa.